Cervical osteochondrosis

Neck pain in women

Modern Some brand I haven't heard osteochondrosis. Most of them have repeatedly experienced that the symptoms of the disease. The uncle sanyi widespread the disease includes a prolonged ül a computer, a passive lifestyle, poor nutrition, etc. osteochondrosis of a cervical spine is manifested by pain, muscle weakness, limitation of mobility, and the many other symptoms.

Don't ignore the signs of osteochondrosis, because the sooner you start treatment, the faster you get rid of the disease. A profile section of a conservative treatment: medication, physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage, etc. The complications occurrence and destruction of bone, cartilage structure is assigned to an operation.

What is this

Osteochondrosis neck is a pathology, which can be found, just people. The animals do not suffer. It is due to This that a vertical arrangement of a spine. In this situation, the vertebrae squeeze each other, which is the fact that the intervertebral discs gradually destroyed.

A neck consists of 7 vertebrae, which are by each other's plates. A spine mobile enough, that's why this is one of the most vulnerable groups of the spine. The weakest link in the cervical spine is an intervertebral disc, which primarily reflects degenerative changes.

The prevalence of a cervical degenerative disc disease can be explained by a weak muscle corset around the neck area. In addition, this page hosts the vertebrae are of small size, different structures, and a narrow to each other. Therefore, even a small load on the neck may trigger the displacement and the compression of blood vessels and nerve branches. A tweak to the vertebral artery, which will be a spine in this area, dangerous complications.

Osteochondrosis of a cervical spine (TWIST) against a protrusion (displacement of a nucleus nucleus pulposus without an external damage of the shell), as well as a herniated disc. Ezek a structures compress the nerve bundles, vessels.

Degenerative changes due to an inter-vertebral disks increase the likelihood that a bone spurs (arthritis) in the area of the joints of the vertebrae. Because it is a narrowed spinal canal, and the compressed neurovascular education.

Help. The medical statistics of a cervical osteochondrosis affects often people over the age of 35. Most have a Bar, youth is a disease, which often develops in patients 20 years ago. Due to This fact that the mainly sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition.

The doctors found 4 stages of pathology:

  • 1. phase – begins to break down a cartilage padding vertebrae between. At this stage of the disease erased symptoms. Unfortunately, they don't take the patients noticed them.
  • 2. section – pressure vertebral disc height is reduced, the integrity of the outer shell broken. At this stage, it's obvious protrusion. There is pain, limited mobility of the neck, the possible violations of sensitivity, a person.
  • 3 degree – protrusion transformirovalsya a herniation, the blood vessels compress and the muscles. In addition to a pain syndrome I have a headache, feel dizzy.
  • Degree 4 – a formation of joints, to stabilize the vertebrae, but pinch the nerve of them. The pain doesn't go away, there is stiffness, damage to adjacent vertebrae, there are neurological symptoms.

It is important to start treatment 1 to 2 grades, in order to avoid the serious complications that can be corrected only surgically.


Osteochondrosis with a TWIST, a complicated, lengthy process that may occur under the influence of many negative factors.

For example, the elderly, the disease is associated with an age-related changes in the body. Then degenerative changes as a consequence of violation of local blood circulation, the metabolism, the immune system is weakening.

The doctors concluded, However, that the main reason for a cervical degenerative disc disease:

  • The incorrect posture.
  • Curvature of the spine.
  • Injuries to the cervical segment.
  • The excessive weight.
  • Tiring physical work.
  • Prolonged sitting in front of the computer.
  • The passive lifestyle.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Common hypothermia of the neck.
  • Incorrect body to a bed (too find mattress, pillows high).
  • Frequent stress, chronic fatigue.
  • Congenital anomalies of a structure of a SCREW.
  • Autoimmune diseases that cause degeneration of cartilage.
  • An infection.
  • Functions, parts of the body, for example, very long, short, or neck.

Under the influence of ezek a factors begin to have a collapse of the inter vertebral structure, bone tissue, nerve bundles, blood vessels.


The clinical picture of osteochondrosis of a cervical spine (OSOP) is varied. The reason for this is that patients find it hard to understand what was happening to them. Early symptoms of the disease the main causes of fatigue. After the appearance of symptoms rush to the doctor, but in this case, irreversible changes are already present, and restore the structure of a neck no fog to work.

Neck pain osteochondrosis

The main symptoms of osteochondrosis of a cervical spine:

  • In the place of pain in the neck, the shoulders.
  • A weakening of the muscles surrounding the affected segment of a spine.
  • The excessive secretion of sweat.
  • Violation of the sensitivity of the upper limbs.
  • Disorders is a coordination of movements.
  • Cephalalgia (headache).
  • Vertigo (dizziness).
  • Diseases, hearing, vision.
  • Bounce the blood pressure, etc.

A buy nature of the headache, osteochondrosis highlight: paroxysmal, persistent, throbbing, dull. This is a phenomenon is manifested due to spasm of the cerebral blood vessels, compression of nerve fibers in the cervix, increase the intracranial pressure.

When OSHOP pain don't appear on the scene, a neck segment is spread to the shoulders and arms. A discomfort after sleep, sudden motion, the tension in the neck, for example, when you cough a sneeze.

Osteochondrosis STORE blood pressure fluctuations can be observed, depending on a day, constant high blood pressure characterized by pathology. Usually, when the pressure experience the following symptoms: cephalalgia, pain, a hand, a numbness, neck a area. Pressure is reduced after often observed in nervous or muscle tension, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position.

Syndromes of a cervical osteochondrosis

When OSOP more syndromes (characteristics, that the the state, which is accompanied by typical symptoms). A manifestation depends on which nerve branches of blood vessels is damaged.

Syndrome a cervical degenerative disc disease:

  • The vertebral artery arises as a result of the compression or irritation of an artery, which the brain is fed. Then the patient is suffering from diseases, hearing, vision, dizziness, blood pressure, headache, etc.
  • Heart develops when the compression of the nerve bundles that Innervate the diaphragm muscle or the pectoral muscle. And then there's the burning pain in the chest, shortness of breath, weakness, heart palpitation.
  • The high blood pressure caused by compression of the veins, resulting in reduced outflow of blood to the head. Then, increased intracranial pressure, patients with cephalgia, nausea, vomiting.
  • Neck migraine – pressure caused by the nerves that surround the vertebral artery. Then there migrenepodobna excruciating pain in the neck. An attack that lasted approximately 10 hours, but is often accompanied by an outbreak of a vomiting.
  • The spine is the most common symptoms IMMEDIATELY. Caused by compression This is one of the nerve fibers in vertebrae of a cervical segment. Violations of the conductivity for 1 to 2 cervical spinal vertebrae, sensitivity disorder, or a pain in the neck. It's a shame 3 a few numb tongue, the area behind the ears, it's hard to chew your food. Inflammation 4 pair of roots is accompanied by pain in the collarbone, hiccups, difficulty swallowing. If the violation of conductivity 5 – 8 a few nerve fibers, the patients find it difficult to move the hand.
Help. Often, osteochondrosis of a cervical spine is manifested in several symptoms, then the diagnosis is difficult. Therefore, it is not necessary that colonel wants to see you understand, then it is better to consult the experts.


If you don't know what to do if I see suspicious symptoms, it is better to consult your doctor. If necessary, your doctor recommend going to the orthopedic doctor, spine, a neurologist.

A diagnostic to find the following instrumental examinations:

  • The x-rays.
  • A computer, or a magnetic resonance tomography.
  • Electroneuromyography.

The above studies provide information on the cervical spine. For example, the x-ray, CT, MRI or use, recognize the pathological changes in the spinal structure. Electromyography allows you to assess the condition of nerve can.

Using x-ray, which is held in different projections, it is possible to detect an accumulation of calcium salts, reducing the height of a cartilage cushion between the vertebrae, a deformation, a SCREW, a presence of bone spurs, etc.


Therapy right NOW should be covered. The decision of a selection methods the doctor depending on the stage of the disease, the severity of the symptoms.

Treatment of a degenerative disease is a disk cervical spine long and complex. Healing pathology a Whole is not likely, especially if a patient is we talk about advanced age. However, stopping the degenerative diseases, a segment of the neck, it is possible at any stage.

An early stages of the disease apply conservative methods: medication, physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage, orthopedic device. Most of the above methods that can be applied at home.

3 4 section, accompanied by destruction of which not only the cartilage, but of a vertebral body, may need a surgical intervention.

Get rid of the pain, inflammation, relax tense muscles, improve the condition of a cartilage tissue to help with the following medications:

  • Pain reliever. Strong pain might help themselves by taking a pill of the metamizol sodium. For this purpose use, Nsaids, which allow you to not just cope with pain and inflammation.
  • Steroids stop the inflammation and pain. For this purpose use medications that hormones in the form of tablets or ointments.
  • Muscle relaxants help to relax spasms, around the muscles in a damaged area. For this purpose use solutions for parenteral administration on the basis with phytohormones of. They normalize muscle tone and reduce pain.
  • Spasm resolved to help fight the pain of muscle cramps.
  • Vitamins to accelerate recovery of the nervous system. For this purpose, drugs, based on a group of elements b, A, C, D, and E. effective Enough, the vitamin-mineral complexes.
Help. Pain If a very strong oral painkillers are not helping, then your doctor procaine blockade. Injections using anesthetic, or steroid solutions are placed directly into the nidus. This is just a experienced professional.

A complex therapy using creams, gels, ointments an anti-inflammatory, warming, analgesic effect.

To alleviate the condition of patients to improve their physical form in prescribe physiotherapy. The exercises help to strengthen the muscles around the neck, improve metabolic processes, accelerate blood circulation, reduce the strain of a weakened spine.

Especially popular ASHOP gym, usually performed in a gym using a special equipment. However, if you want to train at home.

Exercises with cervical osteochondrosis

Complex physical therapy for a cervical osteochondrosis:

  • Just tilt the head-shoulder unit, lock to 30 seconds, then repeat movement to a another page.
  • Tilt your head, trying to contact chin to your chest, then lift a little, too.
  • Put your head back a little, turn a right, then the left shoulder.
  • Press the right hand, left shoulder, raise your elbow up a little bit. Then turn your head to the right to keep, to feel the tension in your muscles.
  • This task is carried out, like the third, only during a rotation of the head, raise your hands over your head, and stepside them.
  • Hands on his knees, spread them to the side, trying to connect the blades, at the same time, understand that a heads up. It worked, and chest.
  • Stand up, put your hand down, pull the neck and tried to grab his chin on my shoulder.

Before a community classes warm up to take a shower to relax your muscles. After the implementation of a stretch.

For the treatment of low back pain, neck a physical therapy:

  • UHF.
  • The therapy.
  • Magneto therapy.
  • Electrophoresis of the drug, etc.

Magnetic therapy reduces inflammation, pain. UHF, as well as a laser treatment to accelerate the metabolism to the affected area, help to eliminate the puffiness. Through electrophoresis, the drugs penetrate into a property, the inflammation, through the skin, where the action practice.

Massage normalizes muscle tone, improves blood flow to damaged areas, improves the nutrition of tissues. A course completion, which usually consists of a 10-procedures to stop a progression of the degenerative processes in the cervical spine.

At home you can use a Tibetan they are applicator of a device, of plastics, with many thorns. The device should be applied or, to the affected area. Help The applicator to ease the pain, relaxes the muscles, improves blood circulation, and physical activity.

Collar Trench used for pain. This orthopedic device, locks the neck in the high position reduces the load on the vertebrae and relieve the pain.

A complex treatment, the patient will be able to get rid of degenerative disc disease neck forever. However, it is possible, if you have a disease identified 1. stage. In other cases, comprehensive measures will help to stop the progression of the disease.

Chondrosis of the cervix -

Many believe that a chondrosis, osteochondrosis as well as a disease. However, this view is wrong. The first disease to affect only the cartilage, a vertebral spacer, a second degenerative changes in the bone tissue. This is the first chondrosis stage of osteoarthritis.

A Chondrosis neck develops when disturbed metabolism of the intervertebral disc. Then, the collagen fibers are replaced by useless fibrous tissue, üvegporc obyzvestvleniya, less flexible. Decrease in height, which disrupted the function of the vertebrae.

Causes of chondrosis and osteoarthritis, not the other.

Cervical chondrosis, the following properties:

  • Fast fatigue, around the muscles in a SHOP.
  • The incorrect posture.
  • Occasional discomfort or mild pain in affected area.
  • The limited mobility of the neck.

As a general rule, do not take the patients notice the symptoms, chondrosis. To identify a disease during you happen to have an x-ray or MRI.


Treatment plan chondrosis neck, a bit different than the tactics of treatment of a degenerative disc disease. The first disease doctors nsaids and hondroprotektory. In addition, the patient to avoid excessive physical activity or prolonged sitting. We recommend that you perform physical therapy, the questions about this, give up the bad habits.

Complementary therapies include massage, manual therapy. Here you can see The or physiotherapy, for example, electrophoresis, uv irradiation, amplipulse, diadynamic therapy, balneotherapy, mud therapy. The efficiency of the treatment of chondrosis proved to be acupuncture (acupuncture).


In most cases the patient get rid of the symptoms of the disease, degenerative cervical disc for a while, and then a disease came back. Usually it is due to this that the fact that a patient later seeks medical help, or does not comply with the doctor's recommendations during treatment. But there are those who managed to heal, NOW that need to be addressed, the symptoms.

"I was diagnosed osteochondrosis of the neck, the 2 stage. The doctors prescribed anti-inflammatory tablets, injections. After the pain is gone, started to massage, this special exercises, the use ointment. A course of treatment I felt significant relief. However, 3 art after the pain in the neck appeared again. Therefore, the policy was that we could start again."
"I have lived for a long time, whose cervical osteochondrosis. Periodically visit a chiropractor adjusts the spine. All But the most that will help your therapy practice. The doctor said, a very effective exercises, advanced, complex, to try every day. Miss But as soon as a few hours, but again pain".
"Degenerative cervical disc disease early stage is quite manageable. That's how I happened. At first, the doctors prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy, which can relieve the pain, inflammation. Then treatment is supplemented by exercises, massage, acupuncture. In addition, I visited a pool, started taking vitamins, the question in this. To forget the pain forever, I had to completely change my life. No special exercises a day, however, plus the fact that it's not a pain, a physical form improved. Now back to not feel the pain continues this leads to a healthy lifestyle."

Key findings

Osteochondrosis of a cervical spine is an insidious disease, which manifests itself in different symptoms. A patient understands all of what is happening. The appearance of severe pain running to the doctor, but this symptom indicates that the presence of degenerative changes in a cervical segment. In this case, that the state restore the spine will fail. Then this is one of those treatment that will help to stop the progression of the disease and to avoid serious consequences. Therapy osteoarthritis is a complicated, lengthy process that requires patience, discipline. After the expulsion of the pain, the inflammation, the patient will need to perform regularly perform physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy, applied orthopedic device, the question in this, give up the bad habits. It is important that a but healthy lifestyle to keep can be a moderate physical activity, weight control, to monitor a posture. Only in this case is reverse the disease and live a full life.